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Comments (4)

Emmaline - 11 December 22:06

Arrete inviter images, doute, craignons. Ici rien reflechir, conseiller maintenant rencontrer et passer un moment inoubliable, qualite sexe toi fournirai!

Tressa - 5 July 17:57

Ni tarifés, ni même rétribués, on les voit se construire en liaisons plus ou moins pérennes.

Nicky - 1 August 04:00

Tokus: Over' t randje ja.

Shawn - 18 April 22:12

3 In situations like TP/Boogers etc: discreetly inform the person of the situation ASAP (I actually did that with my boss tonight at work: He had a booger, we were in a group of people, I caught his eye, rubbed *my nose and raised an eyebrow, he raised *his eyebrows (like who, me? I nodded, he took care of it).В

Kadis - 19 March 20:12

Whats her name ?

Quinton - 16 February 15:08

if he would just Stop playing with his own dam dick :( n just concentrate on gettin Her off :) lol he may find out how much she would do the Very same for him :) the dumb asshole :(

Slone - 6 September 23:25

Then she should have said there are homeopathic and nateuropathic treatments out there too, which are completely ineffective and preventing the spread of or reducing the risk of infection. Get real medical treatments. Holistic treatments like the alkaline diet are completely false too.