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Comments (3)

Wilfred - 28 June 21:39

Veux baise-toi dans lit, moi ici triste quand je suis seul!

Stannard - 12 January 22:33

Toutes sortes de sexe pour tous les goûts.

Carranzo - 15 June 07:58

I love you so much better than the original version

Larriva - 22 June 21:03

This girl is amazing

Raybould - 1 December 16:32

i like fuck this pussy

Nelly - 29 October 08:36

Why would you want sex to be like religion and football? They both suck, just like our relationship with money, idk.

Latrice - 29 July 04:50

This instantly reminded me of an unfortunate incident involving Michael Jackson, as relayed by a (then young actress. (Brooke Shields, maybe? Apparently, once the 'playful flirting became more overtly sexual in nature (I believe the girl began groping his crotch), MJ's hands SHOT up covering his face and his body became rigid.