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Comments (3)

Brosi - 12 January 16:25

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Tunby - 20 September 03:04

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Yolande - 18 April 23:14

i love fisting a woman.

Gavin - 21 March 19:03

Intelligence wins the pool for me. And height, tall guys :)

Kathleen - 25 October 21:27

best ass aunty....

Rothrock - 16 November 11:15


Kuo - 6 December 05:29

As your channel has to this point been about education, acceptance, and exploration, this video seems out of place. For one it uses the term racism which is in the present day a term to denote hate and confronts rather than invites an individual to explore an idea or concept. Secondly, the data you used is targeted upon tendencies within western or white populations without consideration of the results of studies among other demographics, which may show comparable results.