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Comments (2)

Kocaj - 29 January 18:58

Bloque mes photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, conseiller simplement rencontre et de passer du temps ensemble, et la belette je garantis!

Admin - 1 April 15:55

Il est un principe que je partage avec vous, en effet : la liberté pour un roman de tout dire, sans la moindre retenue autre que le style.

Darrel - 21 July 12:59

I have been using my wife?s tight anal muscles to get an orgasms more than 000 times during the last years. It has been great. And she is a pervert like me and enjoys this naughty practice.

Tommie - 16 October 03:31

Don't take anything and put it up inside my ass I don't even like people touching my ass

Joanie - 14 February 14:46

Make sure you can laugh with your partner when having sex, especially the first time (with a new partner or in general)! You won't know each other's bodies perfectly yet or what works best for you the first time so there might be a few bumps. As long as you can laugh it off and not get caught up in your head worrying, it'll still be a blast. Besides, you can always practice more ;)

Bockover - 12 May 02:59

Im needed a mature fulfigured women to sexually pleasure her inner desires can any one help me

Dion - 26 December 02:52

This old lady can fuck and I would LOVE to get between her legs and suck on her pretty pussy and fill her up with my hot cum